
274 lines
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2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Version: 0.43.0(94c055bcbdd49f04a0fa15515e848542a79fb948)
* Released under the MIT license
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default"));
// src/fillers/monaco-editor-core.ts
var monaco_editor_core_exports = {};
__reExport(monaco_editor_core_exports, monaco_editor_core_star);
import * as monaco_editor_core_star from "../../editor/editor.api.js";
// src/basic-languages/python/python.ts
var conf = {
comments: {
lineComment: "#",
blockComment: ["'''", "'''"]
brackets: [
["{", "}"],
["[", "]"],
["(", ")"]
autoClosingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: '"', close: '"', notIn: ["string"] },
{ open: "'", close: "'", notIn: ["string", "comment"] }
surroundingPairs: [
{ open: "{", close: "}" },
{ open: "[", close: "]" },
{ open: "(", close: ")" },
{ open: '"', close: '"' },
{ open: "'", close: "'" }
onEnterRules: [
beforeText: new RegExp("^\\s*(?:def|class|for|if|elif|else|while|try|with|finally|except|async|match|case).*?:\\s*$"),
action: { indentAction: monaco_editor_core_exports.languages.IndentAction.Indent }
folding: {
offSide: true,
markers: {
start: new RegExp("^\\s*#region\\b"),
end: new RegExp("^\\s*#endregion\\b")
var language = {
defaultToken: "",
tokenPostfix: ".python",
keywords: [
brackets: [
{ open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly" },
{ open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.bracket" },
{ open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis" }
tokenizer: {
root: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
{ include: "@numbers" },
{ include: "@strings" },
[/[,:;]/, "delimiter"],
[/[{}\[\]()]/, "@brackets"],
[/@[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, "tag"],
cases: {
"@keywords": "keyword",
"@default": "identifier"
whitespace: [
[/\s+/, "white"],
[/(^#.*$)/, "comment"],
[/'''/, "string", "@endDocString"],
[/"""/, "string", "@endDblDocString"]
endDocString: [
[/[^']+/, "string"],
[/\\'/, "string"],
[/'''/, "string", "@popall"],
[/'/, "string"]
endDblDocString: [
[/[^"]+/, "string"],
[/\\"/, "string"],
[/"""/, "string", "@popall"],
[/"/, "string"]
numbers: [
[/-?0x([abcdef]|[ABCDEF]|\d)+[lL]?/, "number.hex"],
[/-?(\d*\.)?\d+([eE][+\-]?\d+)?[jJ]?[lL]?/, "number"]
strings: [
[/'$/, "string.escape", "@popall"],
[/'/, "string.escape", "@stringBody"],
[/"$/, "string.escape", "@popall"],
[/"/, "string.escape", "@dblStringBody"]
stringBody: [
[/[^\\']+$/, "string", "@popall"],
[/[^\\']+/, "string"],
[/\\./, "string"],
[/'/, "string.escape", "@popall"],
[/\\$/, "string"]
dblStringBody: [
[/[^\\"]+$/, "string", "@popall"],
[/[^\\"]+/, "string"],
[/\\./, "string"],
[/"/, "string.escape", "@popall"],
[/\\$/, "string"]
export {