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2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00
import { compare, compareIgnoreCase, compareSubstring, compareSubstringIgnoreCase } from './strings.js';
export class StringIterator {
constructor() {
this._value = '';
this._pos = 0;
reset(key) {
this._value = key;
this._pos = 0;
return this;
next() {
this._pos += 1;
return this;
hasNext() {
return this._pos < this._value.length - 1;
cmp(a) {
const aCode = a.charCodeAt(0);
const thisCode = this._value.charCodeAt(this._pos);
return aCode - thisCode;
value() {
return this._value[this._pos];
export class ConfigKeysIterator {
constructor(_caseSensitive = true) {
this._caseSensitive = _caseSensitive;
reset(key) {
this._value = key;
this._from = 0;
this._to = 0;
hasNext() {
return this._to < this._value.length;
next() {
// this._data = key.split(/[\\/]/).filter(s => !!s);
this._from = this._to;
let justSeps = true;
for (; this._to < this._value.length; this._to++) {
const ch = this._value.charCodeAt(this._to);
if (ch === 46 /* CharCode.Period */) {
if (justSeps) {
else {
else {
justSeps = false;
return this;
cmp(a) {
return this._caseSensitive
? compareSubstring(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to)
: compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to);
value() {
return this._value.substring(this._from, this._to);
export class PathIterator {
constructor(_splitOnBackslash = true, _caseSensitive = true) {
this._splitOnBackslash = _splitOnBackslash;
this._caseSensitive = _caseSensitive;
reset(key) {
this._from = 0;
this._to = 0;
this._value = key;
this._valueLen = key.length;
for (let pos = key.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--, this._valueLen--) {
const ch = this._value.charCodeAt(pos);
if (!(ch === 47 /* CharCode.Slash */ || this._splitOnBackslash && ch === 92 /* CharCode.Backslash */)) {
hasNext() {
return this._to < this._valueLen;
next() {
// this._data = key.split(/[\\/]/).filter(s => !!s);
this._from = this._to;
let justSeps = true;
for (; this._to < this._valueLen; this._to++) {
const ch = this._value.charCodeAt(this._to);
if (ch === 47 /* CharCode.Slash */ || this._splitOnBackslash && ch === 92 /* CharCode.Backslash */) {
if (justSeps) {
else {
else {
justSeps = false;
return this;
cmp(a) {
return this._caseSensitive
? compareSubstring(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to)
: compareSubstringIgnoreCase(a, this._value, 0, a.length, this._from, this._to);
value() {
return this._value.substring(this._from, this._to);
export class UriIterator {
constructor(_ignorePathCasing, _ignoreQueryAndFragment) {
this._ignorePathCasing = _ignorePathCasing;
this._ignoreQueryAndFragment = _ignoreQueryAndFragment;
this._states = [];
this._stateIdx = 0;
reset(key) {
this._value = key;
this._states = [];
if (this._value.scheme) {
this._states.push(1 /* UriIteratorState.Scheme */);
if (this._value.authority) {
this._states.push(2 /* UriIteratorState.Authority */);
if (this._value.path) {
this._pathIterator = new PathIterator(false, !this._ignorePathCasing(key));
if (this._pathIterator.value()) {
this._states.push(3 /* UriIteratorState.Path */);
if (!this._ignoreQueryAndFragment(key)) {
if (this._value.query) {
this._states.push(4 /* UriIteratorState.Query */);
if (this._value.fragment) {
this._states.push(5 /* UriIteratorState.Fragment */);
this._stateIdx = 0;
return this;
next() {
if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 3 /* UriIteratorState.Path */ && this._pathIterator.hasNext()) {;
else {
this._stateIdx += 1;
return this;
hasNext() {
return (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 3 /* UriIteratorState.Path */ && this._pathIterator.hasNext())
|| this._stateIdx < this._states.length - 1;
cmp(a) {
if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 1 /* UriIteratorState.Scheme */) {
return compareIgnoreCase(a, this._value.scheme);
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 2 /* UriIteratorState.Authority */) {
return compareIgnoreCase(a, this._value.authority);
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 3 /* UriIteratorState.Path */) {
return this._pathIterator.cmp(a);
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 4 /* UriIteratorState.Query */) {
return compare(a, this._value.query);
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 5 /* UriIteratorState.Fragment */) {
return compare(a, this._value.fragment);
throw new Error();
value() {
if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 1 /* UriIteratorState.Scheme */) {
return this._value.scheme;
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 2 /* UriIteratorState.Authority */) {
return this._value.authority;
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 3 /* UriIteratorState.Path */) {
return this._pathIterator.value();
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 4 /* UriIteratorState.Query */) {
return this._value.query;
else if (this._states[this._stateIdx] === 5 /* UriIteratorState.Fragment */) {
return this._value.fragment;
throw new Error();
class TernarySearchTreeNode {
constructor() {
this.height = 1;
rotateLeft() {
const tmp = this.right;
this.right = tmp.left;
tmp.left = this;
return tmp;
rotateRight() {
const tmp = this.left;
this.left = tmp.right;
tmp.right = this;
return tmp;
updateHeight() {
this.height = 1 + Math.max(this.heightLeft, this.heightRight);
balanceFactor() {
return this.heightRight - this.heightLeft;
get heightLeft() {
var _a, _b;
return (_b = (_a = this.left) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
get heightRight() {
var _a, _b;
return (_b = (_a = this.right) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.height) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
export class TernarySearchTree {
static forUris(ignorePathCasing = () => false, ignoreQueryAndFragment = () => false) {
return new TernarySearchTree(new UriIterator(ignorePathCasing, ignoreQueryAndFragment));
static forStrings() {
return new TernarySearchTree(new StringIterator());
static forConfigKeys() {
return new TernarySearchTree(new ConfigKeysIterator());
constructor(segments) {
this._iter = segments;
clear() {
this._root = undefined;
set(key, element) {
const iter = this._iter.reset(key);
let node;
if (!this._root) {
this._root = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
this._root.segment = iter.value();
const stack = [];
// find insert_node
node = this._root;
while (true) {
const val = iter.cmp(node.segment);
if (val > 0) {
// left
if (!node.left) {
node.left = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.left.segment = iter.value();
stack.push([-1 /* Dir.Left */, node]);
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
if (!node.right) {
node.right = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.right.segment = iter.value();
stack.push([1 /* Dir.Right */, node]);
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
if (!node.mid) {
node.mid = new TernarySearchTreeNode();
node.mid.segment = iter.value();
stack.push([0 /* Dir.Mid */, node]);
node = node.mid;
else {
// set value
const oldElement = node.value;
node.value = element;
node.key = key;
// balance
for (let i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = stack[i][1];
const bf = node.balanceFactor();
if (bf < -1 || bf > 1) {
// needs rotate
const d1 = stack[i][0];
const d2 = stack[i + 1][0];
if (d1 === 1 /* Dir.Right */ && d2 === 1 /* Dir.Right */) {
//right, right -> rotate left
stack[i][1] = node.rotateLeft();
else if (d1 === -1 /* Dir.Left */ && d2 === -1 /* Dir.Left */) {
// left, left -> rotate right
stack[i][1] = node.rotateRight();
else if (d1 === 1 /* Dir.Right */ && d2 === -1 /* Dir.Left */) {
// right, left -> double rotate right, left
node.right = stack[i + 1][1] = stack[i + 1][1].rotateRight();
stack[i][1] = node.rotateLeft();
else if (d1 === -1 /* Dir.Left */ && d2 === 1 /* Dir.Right */) {
// left, right -> double rotate left, right
node.left = stack[i + 1][1] = stack[i + 1][1].rotateLeft();
stack[i][1] = node.rotateRight();
else {
throw new Error();
// patch path to parent
if (i > 0) {
switch (stack[i - 1][0]) {
case -1 /* Dir.Left */:
stack[i - 1][1].left = stack[i][1];
case 1 /* Dir.Right */:
stack[i - 1][1].right = stack[i][1];
case 0 /* Dir.Mid */:
stack[i - 1][1].mid = stack[i][1];
else {
this._root = stack[0][1];
return oldElement;
get(key) {
var _a;
return (_a = this._getNode(key)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
_getNode(key) {
const iter = this._iter.reset(key);
let node = this._root;
while (node) {
const val = iter.cmp(node.segment);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
node = node.mid;
else {
return node;
has(key) {
const node = this._getNode(key);
return !((node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.value) === undefined && (node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : node.mid) === undefined);
delete(key) {
return this._delete(key, false);
deleteSuperstr(key) {
return this._delete(key, true);
_delete(key, superStr) {
var _a;
const iter = this._iter.reset(key);
const stack = [];
let node = this._root;
// find node
while (node) {
const val = iter.cmp(node.segment);
if (val > 0) {
// left
stack.push([-1 /* Dir.Left */, node]);
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
stack.push([1 /* Dir.Right */, node]);
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
stack.push([0 /* Dir.Mid */, node]);
node = node.mid;
else {
if (!node) {
// node not found
if (superStr) {
// removing children, reset height
node.left = undefined;
node.mid = undefined;
node.right = undefined;
node.height = 1;
else {
// removing element
node.key = undefined;
node.value = undefined;
// BST node removal
if (!node.mid && !node.value) {
if (node.left && node.right) {
// full node
// replace deleted-node with the min-node of the right branch.
// If there is no true min-node leave things as they are
const min = this._min(node.right);
if (min.key) {
const { key, value, segment } = min;
this._delete(min.key, false);
node.key = key;
node.value = value;
node.segment = segment;
else {
// empty or half empty
const newChild = (_a = node.left) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node.right;
if (stack.length > 0) {
const [dir, parent] = stack[stack.length - 1];
switch (dir) {
case -1 /* Dir.Left */:
parent.left = newChild;
case 0 /* Dir.Mid */:
parent.mid = newChild;
case 1 /* Dir.Right */:
parent.right = newChild;
else {
this._root = newChild;
// AVL balance
for (let i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const node = stack[i][1];
const bf = node.balanceFactor();
if (bf > 1) {
// right heavy
if (node.right.balanceFactor() >= 0) {
// right, right -> rotate left
stack[i][1] = node.rotateLeft();
else {
// right, left -> double rotate
node.right = node.right.rotateRight();
stack[i][1] = node.rotateLeft();
else if (bf < -1) {
// left heavy
if (node.left.balanceFactor() <= 0) {
// left, left -> rotate right
stack[i][1] = node.rotateRight();
else {
// left, right -> double rotate
node.left = node.left.rotateLeft();
stack[i][1] = node.rotateRight();
// patch path to parent
if (i > 0) {
switch (stack[i - 1][0]) {
case -1 /* Dir.Left */:
stack[i - 1][1].left = stack[i][1];
case 1 /* Dir.Right */:
stack[i - 1][1].right = stack[i][1];
case 0 /* Dir.Mid */:
stack[i - 1][1].mid = stack[i][1];
else {
this._root = stack[0][1];
_min(node) {
while (node.left) {
node = node.left;
return node;
findSubstr(key) {
const iter = this._iter.reset(key);
let node = this._root;
let candidate = undefined;
while (node) {
const val = iter.cmp(node.segment);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
candidate = node.value || candidate;
node = node.mid;
else {
return node && node.value || candidate;
findSuperstr(key) {
return this._findSuperstrOrElement(key, false);
_findSuperstrOrElement(key, allowValue) {
const iter = this._iter.reset(key);
let node = this._root;
while (node) {
const val = iter.cmp(node.segment);
if (val > 0) {
// left
node = node.left;
else if (val < 0) {
// right
node = node.right;
else if (iter.hasNext()) {
// mid;
node = node.mid;
else {
// collect
if (!node.mid) {
if (allowValue) {
return node.value;
else {
return undefined;
else {
return this._entries(node.mid);
return undefined;
forEach(callback) {
for (const [key, value] of this) {
callback(value, key);
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* this._entries(this._root);
_entries(node) {
const result = [];
this._dfsEntries(node, result);
return result[Symbol.iterator]();
_dfsEntries(node, bucket) {
// DFS
if (!node) {
if (node.left) {
this._dfsEntries(node.left, bucket);
if (node.value) {
bucket.push([node.key, node.value]);
if (node.mid) {
this._dfsEntries(node.mid, bucket);
if (node.right) {
this._dfsEntries(node.right, bucket);