
167 lines
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2023-10-07 19:42:30 +08:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
function _cliTools() {
const data = require("@react-native-community/cli-tools");
_cliTools = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _chalk() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("chalk"));
_chalk = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _fs() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
_fs = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _path() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
_path = function () {
return data;
return data;
var _downloadAndUnzip = require("../downloadAndUnzip");
var _androidWinHelpers = require("../windows/androidWinHelpers");
var _environmentVariables = require("../windows/environmentVariables");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const getBuildToolsVersion = (projectRoot = '') => {
try {
// doctor is a detached command, so we may not be in a RN project.
projectRoot = projectRoot || (0, _cliTools().findProjectRoot)();
} catch {
_cliTools().logger.log(); // for extra space
_cliTools().logger.warn("We couldn't find a package.json in this directory. Android SDK checks may fail. Doctor works best in a React Native project root.");
const gradleBuildFilePath = _path().default.join(projectRoot, 'android/build.gradle');
const buildToolsVersionEntry = 'buildToolsVersion';
if (!_fs().default.existsSync(gradleBuildFilePath)) {
return 'Not Found';
// Read the content of the `build.gradle` file
const gradleBuildFile = _fs().default.readFileSync(gradleBuildFilePath, 'utf-8');
const buildToolsVersionIndex = gradleBuildFile.indexOf(buildToolsVersionEntry);
const buildToolsVersion = (gradleBuildFile
// Get only the portion of the declaration of `buildToolsVersion`
// Get only the the value of `buildToolsVersion`
.match(/\d|\../g) || []).join('');
return buildToolsVersion || 'Not Found';
const installMessage = `Read more about how to update Android SDK at ${_chalk().default.dim('')}`;
const isSDKInstalled = environmentInfo => {
const version = environmentInfo.SDKs['Android SDK'];
return version !== 'Not Found';
var _default = {
label: 'Android SDK',
description: 'Required for building and installing your app on Android',
getDiagnostics: async ({
}, config) => {
const requiredVersion = getBuildToolsVersion(config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.root);
const buildTools = typeof SDKs['Android SDK'] === 'string' ? SDKs['Android SDK'] : SDKs['Android SDK']['Build Tools'];
const isAndroidSDKInstalled = Array.isArray(buildTools);
const isRequiredVersionInstalled = isAndroidSDKInstalled ? buildTools.includes(requiredVersion) : false;
return {
versions: isAndroidSDKInstalled ? buildTools : SDKs['Android SDK'],
versionRange: requiredVersion,
needsToBeFixed: !isRequiredVersionInstalled
win32AutomaticFix: async ({
}) => {
// Need a GitHub action to update automatically. See #1180
const cliToolsUrl = '';
const systemImage = 'system-images;android-31;google_apis;x86_64';
// Installing 29 as well so Android Studio does not complain on first boot
const componentsToInstall = ['platform-tools', 'build-tools;31.0.0', 'platforms;android-31',
// Is 28 still needed?
'build-tools;28.0.3', 'platforms;android-28', 'emulator', systemImage, '--licenses' // Accept any pending licenses at the end
const androidSDKRoot = (0, _androidWinHelpers.getAndroidSdkRootInstallation)();
if (androidSDKRoot === '') {'There was an error finding the Android SDK root');
await (0, _downloadAndUnzip.downloadAndUnzip)({
downloadUrl: cliToolsUrl,
component: 'Android Command Line Tools',
installPath: androidSDKRoot
for (const component of componentsToInstall) {
loader.text = `Installing "${component}" (this may take a few minutes)`;
try {
await (0, _androidWinHelpers.installComponent)(component, androidSDKRoot);
} catch (e) {
// Is there a way to persist a line in loader and continue the execution?
loader.text = 'Updating environment variables';
// Required for the emulator to work from the CLI
await (0, _environmentVariables.setEnvironment)('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT', androidSDKRoot);
await (0, _environmentVariables.setEnvironment)('ANDROID_HOME', androidSDKRoot);
await (0, _environmentVariables.updateEnvironment)('PATH', _path().default.join(androidSDKRoot, 'tools'));
await (0, _environmentVariables.updateEnvironment)('PATH', _path().default.join(androidSDKRoot, 'platform-tools'));
loader.text = 'Configuring Hypervisor for faster emulation, this might prompt UAC';
const {
} = await (0, _androidWinHelpers.getBestHypervisor)(androidSDKRoot);
if (!installed) {
if (hypervisor === 'none') {
loader.warn('Android SDK configured but virtualization could not be enabled.');
if (hypervisor === 'AMDH') {
await (0, _androidWinHelpers.enableAMDH)(androidSDKRoot);
} else if (hypervisor === 'HAXM') {
await (0, _androidWinHelpers.enableHAXM)(androidSDKRoot);
} else if (hypervisor === 'WHPX') {
await (0, _androidWinHelpers.enableWHPX)();
loader.text = 'Creating AVD';
await (0, _androidWinHelpers.createAVD)(androidSDKRoot, 'pixel_9.0', 'pixel', systemImage);
loader.succeed('Android SDK configured. You might need to restart your PC for all changes to take effect.');
runAutomaticFix: async ({
}) => {;
if (isSDKInstalled(environmentInfo)) {
return logManualInstallation({
message: installMessage
return logManualInstallation({
healthcheck: 'Android SDK',
url: _cliTools()'environment-setup', {
hash: 'android-sdk',
guide: 'native',
platform: 'android'
exports.default = _default;